Monday, June 16, 2014


Pain in the area of the coccyx (tailbone) is called coccydynia, Coccyaglia  or coccygodynia (or sometimes a variety of other spellings). Coccydynia can be anything from discomfort to acute pain, varying between people and varying with time in any individual. Extended hours of sitting can cause a number of issues including coccyx pain also known as tailbone pain.  The condition is much more common in women than men. The majority of coccyx injuries occur in women because:
            ·         The women's coccyx is rotated, leaving it more exposed to injury
            ·         Women have a broader pelvis, which means that sitting places pressure on their coccyx (male anatomy causes them to sit without much pressure on the coccyx)
            ·         Childbirth is a common cause of the condition. 
It is derived from Greek word for “cuckoo” due to its resemblance to the beak of this bird, the coccyx comprises the most distal aspect of the vertebral column. It consists of three to five rudimentary vertebral units that, with the exception of the first coccygeal segment, are typically fused. The ventral surface of the coccyx is slightly concave with transverse grooves that demarcate the regions where the vestigial coccygeal units had previously fused. The dorsal aspect is slightly convex and displays similar transverse markings as well as multiple paired tubercles known as the coccygeal articular processes, the most superior of which are referred to as the coccygeal cornu. These structures articulate with the sacral cornu of the inferior sacral apex at S5, either as a symphysis or as a true synovial joint; this articulation represents one of the borders of the foramen for the exiting dorsal branch of the fifth sacral nerve root. The coccyx also serves as a site of attachment for the gluteus maximus muscle, the coccygeal muscle, and the anococcygeal ligament.
Body mass index (BMI) appears to influence the prevalence of coccydynia, as obesity is three times more common in patients with coccydynia than in the normal population . The coccyx of a leaner patient normally rotates during sitting so that the coccyx is in an optimal position to absorb the forces that are generated during this activity. As the BMI increases, the degree of pelvic rotation with sitting is reduced and the angle of incidence is increased. Consequently, the coccyx in obese patients is more susceptible to sudden elevations in intrapelvic pressure that occur with a fall and repeated sitting down. This increased exposure to pressure places the coccyx at an increased risk of posterior subluxation.Normal and below-normal weight patients are more likely to develop coccydynia consequent to lesion patterns other than posterior subluxation as their coccyges rotate in a more optimal fashion to lessen forces from falls and sitting .
The symptoms described vary:
  •  Pain during or after sitting: 
  •  Acute pain while moving from sitting to standing. 
  •  Pain caused by sitting on a soft, but not a hard surface : This   is usually      happens when the joint between the sacrum and coccyx is      unstable, so that the coccyx can be pushed out of place when you put  pressure on it by sitting or lying. When you sit on a hard surface, most  of your weight is taken on your 'sit-bones' , the hard bits at the bottom  of your pelvis. But when you sit on a soft surface, the foam rubber  pushes up between the bones, increasing the pressure inside you and  pushing the coccyx out of place.
  •  Deep ache around the coccyx
  •  Sensitivity to finger pressure on the tip or edges of the coccyx Local pain in the tailbone area that is worse when touched or when any pressure is placed on it
  •  Shooting pains down the leg
  •  Like sitting on a marble that moves around
  •  Like sitting on a knife
  •  Like being impaled on a garden cane, with or without chilli peppers
  • Pain during bowel movements, and sometimes before
  • Increased pain around the time of a woman's monthly period - this may be due to variations in the levels of estradiol.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse, either in men or women.
  • Pain during menstruation
If the pain was caused by trauma, then there may be other parts of the body damaged as well. If this damage includes the sacrum, hips or legs, it may be very difficult to sort out what is causing the most pain
Secondary symptoms
 Painful feet, from standing too much. One particular problem that  can develop is plantar fasciitis. Plantar means the foot, and fasciitis is inflammation of the fascia, or fibrous tissue enclosing and connecting muscles. This condition is sometimes called heel spurs.
  • Exhaustion, depression, lack of sleep.
  • Painful back, from sitting in awkward positions to relieve the pressure on the coccyx. 
  • Other aches and pains around the body. In the case of coccyx pain, the whole area of the buttocks can become hypersensitive because of this effect. This, of course, makes sitting even more uncomfortable, and chairs and sitting positions which were initially OK can become uncomfortable. Hips may become painful if you are lying on them most of the time. 
Causes of pain
  • Unstable or dislocating coccyx
  • Spur on coccyx
  • Misaligned, rigid, or long coccyx
  • Muscle spasm or tightness
  • Pilonidal cyst
  • Tarlov/meningeal cyst
  • Pudendal neuropathy
  • Cancer
  • Referred pain
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Previous medical procedures
  • Deposits of calcium in joints
  • Idiopathic coccydynia
  • Imaginary pain

 Exercise for coccyx pain
·         Using Cold packs
Applying cold packs or ice to the affected area can help reduce coccyx pain dramatically. All you need to do is to place ice or a cold pack on the affected area for around thirty minutes every few hours.
·         Walking : It has a powerful relaxing effect on the spasms that tend to build up around the coccyx.
·         Leg exercises
·         Swimming
·         Anal lock : This exercise is done in bed, morning and evening. It involves the same muscles you use to "hold on" when you need to go to the toilet but can't get there right away. The muscles are tensed and held for 10-15 seconds, repeatedly.
·         Weightless squats : Repeatedly go from this position to standing.
·         Inversion therapy : This method involves hanging upside down at an angle on an inversion table, with the feet fastened in position. This applies traction to the spine.
·         Breathing and relaxation exercises : Reduce  coccyx pain using breathing and relaxation exercises combined with deep massage.
  • Yoga : Getting rid of coccyx pain using yoga like Shalbasana, Bhujangasana and Ardha shalabh asana.

The Acupuncture Point Formula for Relieving Low Back Pain : GB 30, BL 30 and ST 30 SI 3, CV 3, KI 12, CV 4 and KI 13 BL 62, BL 40 (54) and "surround the dragon" are usual points of application.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Acupressure Points To Relieve Anxiety And Stress

Great Rushing- This point is located in the webbing between the big and the second toe. Applying pressure on this point helps in unblocking the choked meridians and maintaining smooth flow of energy through the meridians.
Three Mile Point- This point is located two finger width below the knee cap and four finger widths towards the outside region of the leg. Applying pressure at this point increases and regulates energy flow, relieves fatigue and helps in increasing concentration. Apply pressure for 1 minute and move to the next point.
Grandfather-Grandson- This point is located at the side of the inside of the foot, three finger width behind the base of the big toe. Applying pressure at this point helps all-round nourishment and balanced circulation of energy throughout body and mind, helps in relieving the mind from worries and anxiety. In addition it also helps relieve ankle pain.
Inner Gate- If you draw a straight line on your palm starting between your index and middle finger and straight through your arm, this point will lie on this line 3 finger widths above the wrist crease. Applying pressure on this point helps in protecting the heart from excess stress, encourages deep breathing and relieves nausea.
Outer Gate- This point is located on the back side of the arm 3 finger widths above the wrist, between the two tendons. Stimulating this point helps in supporting the immune function and increases energy flow through the body.
Union Valley- This point is located in the webbing between the thumb and the index finger. Stimulating this point helps in reducing muscle tension and relieving stress.
Central Treasury- This point is located two finger widths above the point where yours arms meet your chest. Stimulating this point helps in beep breathing, increasing blood flow and balancing the emotions.
Will’s Chamber- This point is located at the mid-section of your waist, about 3 finger widths away from the spine. Stimulating this point helps in distributing energy flow through all meridians, strengthen the whole body and relieve back tension.
Shoulder Well- This point is located at the ridge of the Shoulder halfway between the point of your shoulder and the base of your neck. Stimulating this point helps in relieving stress and tension and unhindered flow of energy.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Magnet & Our Health

Blood is a living tissue that circulates around our whole body via a network of arteries, veins and capillaries; it carries nutrients, oxygen, hormones, antibodies, heat, electrolytes and vitamins to the body’s tissues. Blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, plasma, electrolytes, hormones, minerals and iron.
The blood is transported from the heart to the lungs where it picks up oxygen and then transports it to all the organs and tissues. Every part of the body depends on blood to provide the necessary oxygen and nutrients it needs to survive.

How Do Magnetic Fields Affect Blood Flow?
Magnets are composed of metal alloys such as iron, nickel or cobalt. They will attract many different types of metallic particles. The blood contains iron and when therapeutic magnets are placed on the skin the magnetic field penetrates through the skin and into the surrounding tissues and blood stream. The iron in the blood is attracted to the magnetic field, this causes movement within the blood stream and the increased activity causes the blood flow to improve. 
When the body’s blood flow oxygen level is increased, nutrients and hormones are distributed to the organs and tissues much more effectively and quickly. Our organs have a fresh rich supply of oxygen and nutrients to nourish them. Plus the tissues also gain oxygen, healing nutrients and hormones including endorphins, which are the body’s natural pain killing hormone.

If we have an injury or ailment which is supplied with regular fresh oxygen, nutrients and endorphins then our injury or ailment will heal much faster and the pain will be reduced by the body’s own pain killing hormones (endorphins).

How Do Magnetic Fields Affect Cells?
All One of the common constituents of all cells are ions. Ions are positively and negatively charged particles that conduct electro-magnetic pulses from within the cell. The electro-magnetic pulses allow the cell to function. Without ions, a cell cannot live. 

In a normal healthy cell, the ions are distributed around the cell with all of the positive ions on one side and the negative ions on the opposing side. The ions which live outside of the cell in the tissues will align with those inside of the cell so that opposing poles are together with the cell membrane between them (see diagram of healthy cell below). This allows fluid, oxygen and nutrients (fluid exchange) to move freely in and out of the cell, while maintaining the natural balance within the cell (homeostasis). 
In a diseased (injured) cell, the positive and negative ions do not stay on opposing sides of the cell. They are disrupted and scatter randomly around the cell. At the same time the ions on the outside of the cell membrane also become scattered as they try to find their opposing pole, this results in cellular imbalance. Extra fluid from the tissues outside the cell is able to penetrate the cell which in turn pushes vital nutrients, hormones and electrolytes (salts) out of the cell. The cell’s ability to function is greatly reduced and cellular degeneration begins which if not corrected will lead to the cell dying.
When a static (fixed in place) magnetic field is applied over an injured (diseased) area, the magnetism penetrates into the tissues and surrounds the damaged cell. The magnetic field that is created around the outside of the cell will pull the ions, both inside and outside, back into alignment. The result is that the ions once again return to their correct position within the cell. The extra fluid that has penetrated the cell is pushed out (via osmosis and diffusion) and returned to the surrounding tissues. The cell regains its natural healthy balance and any damage is repaired over a period .

The Inflammatory Process
Inflammation is the body’s reaction to invasion by an infectious agent, antigen or even just physical, chemical or traumatic damage. The inflammatory reaction is one of the body’s oldest defence mechanisms. When damage occurs the body’s automatic defence system starts the inflammatory process within seconds. Blood flow is firstly increased at the point of injury; the blood vessels widen (vasodilator) to allow oxygen, clotting agents (platelets) and white blood cells to penetrate the damaged tissues. Over a period of hours the concentration of white blood cells increases at the injury site (white blood cells fight infection). 

Individual cells are affected by the inflammatory process. Extra fluid that has migrated from the blood vessels passes into the damaged cells; this begins the process of disrupting the ionic balance of the cell. The chemical balance of the cell changes and cellular degeneration begins.
The presence of extra fluid, white blood cells, and increased blood flow within the tissues causes the damaged area to enlarge and swell... this is commonly known as oedema. 
If untreated or caused by a chronic "incurable" disease process such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and spondilytis, inflammation can become chronic. When removal of the foreign bodies that are causing the inflammation is ineffective, damaged cells become fused together, forming gigantic cells with multiple nuclei (the brain of the cell) which in turn eventually become granuloma. 

How Do Magnetic Fields Influence Inflammation?
When static magnets are placed over an area of inflammation, the magnetic field penetrates through the skin and deep into the tissues and blood stream. Damaged cells will react to the presence of a magnetic field by realigning their ions into the correct position. This begins the process of eliminating the excess fluid from within the cell. Cell damage will stop and healing of the cells will begin over a period of days.
Magnetic fields will also affect the white blood cells that are surrounding the injury and fighting the disease. White blood cells fight infection and disease by engulfing infectious and diseased and consuming them (phagocytosis). During this process the white blood cells release toxins into the blood stream. The body cannot detoxify and excrete these toxins safely so they are stored in the tissues as small hard pockets of fluid (cellulite). 

When a magnetic field is present in the blood, toxins in the tissues are drawn out as the magnetized blood passes through the tissues. The toxins are then carried to the liver for detoxification and on to the kidneys for excretion. 

When inflammation in the body is alleviated, the damage caused by the inflammatory process begins to be repaired by a fresh and rich supply of oxygen and nutrients. Cells that have been disrupted and de-oxygenized begin to heal, and tissue regeneration starts. Excess fluid is eliminated from the body and toxins are removed. The circulatory system returns to normal and the heart does not have to work so hard to pump extra fluid around the body. Magnetic fields will stabilize all of these processes and aid the body in its recovery.

Magnets Do Not Block Pain Signals, They Treat the Cause of the Pain.

Magnets do not block the pain signal. 
They work on the cause of the pain, which is why static magnets have to be placed as close to the point of pain as possible. 

Trauma alone does not cause all of the pain. Pain is also caused by pressure on the nerves. This can occur without a traumatic injury, as with long standing chronic conditions. Joint wear and tear, chronic damage from earlier injuries or chronic inflammation can cause pressure upon nerves. The pressure upon the nerves is usually caused by swelling or inflammation around the injury, this extra fluid causes the tissues to swell and thus places pressure upon the nerve endings. Compression of the nerves causes constant pain stimuli to be sent to the brain. This causes the chronic constant pain that is often associated with long term ailments. 

To relieve the pressure on the compressed nerves the excess fluid in the tissues must be removed. Once the pressure has been removed the pain will subside. Magnets do reduce the inflammation in the tissues therefore they are very effective at reducing pain at the point of injury. Because the cause of the pain has been removed ( i.e. the inflammation) the pain relieving results will last for a much longer period of time than pain killers, which are just blocking the signal. Whilst the magnetic field is reducing the inflammation it is also improving blood supply to the injured area. The extra blood flow brings fresh rich oxygen, nutrients and hormones. One of these hormones is endorphin. Endorphin is known as the ?happy? hormone as it is responsible for mood enhancement. The other function of endorphin is to kill pain naturally. As increased blood flow reaches the injured area the concentration of endorphins increases and pain is reduced.

When the magnets are removed from the area of pain, the cause of the inflammation will return, as the magnets are a treatment for the inflammation and poor circulation, they are not a cure for any disease process. Depending on the severity of the injury or ailment the effects of the magnets can last days, weeks or even months. Each individual will experience different time scales for the return of the pain as the disease process for each individual is slightly different

Magnetic Fields and Water
Magnetic water remains one of magnet therapies most powerful treatments. In order to fully understand how magnetized water works, it is important to know a little bit about the water that comes out of your tap. The original source of water is mountain streams, which flow into rivers and eventually out to sea. The water has had contact with both over ground and underground during the passage to the sea. As the water passes underground (many rivers and streams pass under ground) it comes into contact with the earth’s magnetic field, the magnetic charge is passed into the water and it becomes magnetized. Similarly, as the water flows over ground it comes into contact with magnetic rock (lodestone) and water is again magnetized.

Once water is collected for consumption, it has to be treated and purified. During transportation to the treatment plant the water is carried in underground metal pipes. The water is de-magnetized by the presence of the metallic lining of the pipes and when it is purified and comes out of the tap it is no longer magnetized. If you drink water from a spring at its source it will be magnetized. The benefits of spring water have long been recognized, however once the water is bottled and removed from the source it will only keep it’s magnetism for 3 days before it dissipates. It is not possible to permanently magnetize water.

Therapeutic Functions of Magnetized Water: 
The following therapeutic functions have already been identified and verified by experiment:

1. It can prevent damage to the endothelium (the layer of scale like cells that line the inside of the blood and lymph vessels, also found in the lining of the heart and some other body cavities). This has the effect of inhibiting the build up of cholesterol, thereby greatly reducing the chances of cerebral and cardiac arteriosclerosis (thickening and hardening of the arteries).
2. The viscosity of the water is lowered, resulting in improved blood flow thereby aiding in the prevention of cerebral and cardiac thrombosis (clotting of the blood in the circulatory system resulting in the obstruction or complete blockage of the blood flow).
3.Magnetized water greatly improves the solubility of calcium thereby inhibiting crystallization and, in fact, dissolving already formed calculus (any hard, solid, concretion or deposit in any part of the body, such as kidney stones, or in the arteries) allowing it to become smaller, looser, and easily broken. It is therefore helpful in the treatment and prevention of kidney and cholecystitis (gallstones).
4. It has been found to seemingly increase the weight of the spleen (which has various functions in modifying the structure of the blood) and thymus, heightening the body's production of disease resistant antibodies, whilst also aiding anti-aging.
5. It has been found to seemingly increase the content of the body's immunoglobulin and enhance the phagocytosis (the action or process of leucocytes [white blood cells] attacking bacteria) of the liver, spleen and blood vessels endothelium. This is of considerable benefit to the cellular immune system.
6. It can lower the content of blood plasma urea and free amino acid, aiding in the prevention of renal failure.
7. Magnetized water has been shown to assist in the protection of the stomach mucous, promote small intestine movement, and increase the active dissolution of food, there by alleviating the level of the pathological process of stress induced ulcers.
8. The treating scope of magnetized water is such that it can prevent, alleviate or cure arteriosclerosis, hypertension (abnormally high blood pressure, especially in the arteries, or a diseased condition of which this is the chief symptom), coronary heart diseases are also able to be treated.
9. Gargling with magnetized water may fight gum disease.
Experimental study and clinical observation have demonstrated that there are no side effects from drinking magnetized water over a long period of time.
In short, when you drink water that has been magnetized, the magnetism travels into the stomach and is absorbed into the blood steam through the bowel wall, it is then very rapidly distributed around the whole body. 

Detoxifying with Magnetized Water
Our body stores harmful toxins within the tissues (dermis) of the skin, to keep the toxins from poisoning the body they are stored in small pockets of fluid, this is seen as cellulite and feels like lots of little raised bumps ( the body can store an extra 2 litres of fluid containing toxins in the tissues). Toxins are released during many processes in the body such as: during the inflammation process; from the breakdown of medications (particularly painkillers and high blood pressure tablets); and from the chemicals and additives in food and from environmental pollution. Toxins are normally detoxified by the liver and sent to the kidneys for excretion (expulsion of waste products). Some toxins are potentially harmful to our body and cannot be safely detoxified by the liver. 
As magnetized water increases the size of the water molecule, its ability to absorb toxins is much greater! So, as the magnetism of water is absorbed into the blood stream and transported around the body, harmful toxins are drawn out of the tissues and safely transported to the liver and then onto the kidneys for excretion from the body.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Pithecellobium dulce

Photo: Pithecellobium dulce 

• Tannin, 25.36%; fixed oil, 18.22%, olein.
• A glycoside quercitin has been isolated.
• Seeds have been reported to contain steroids, saponins, lipids, phospholipids,  glycosides, glycolipids and polysaccharides.
• Bark yields 37% tannins of the catechol type.
• Leaves yield quercitin, kaempferol, dulcitol and afezilin.
• Considered abortifacient, anodyne, astringent, larvicidal, antibacterial, antiinflammatory, febrifuge, antidiabetic. 
• Bark and leaves considered astringent.
• Leaves considered astringent, emollient, antidiabetic, and abortifacient.
• Roots reported to be estrogenic.

• Frequent bowel movements: Decoction of bark taken as tea.
• The leaves, when applied as plasters, used for pain, venereal sores.
• Salted decoction of leaves, for indigestion; also used as abortifacient.
• Bark used in dysentery, dermatitis and eye inflammation.
• In Brazil, P. avaremotem, used as a cancer elixir.
• In Mexico, decoction of leaves for earaches, leprosy, toothaches and larvicide.
• In India, bark of the plant used as astringent in dysentery, febrifuge. Also used for dermatitis and eye inflammations. Leaves used as abortifacient.
convulsions, dyspepsia,  peptic ulcers, sores and skin of the stem is used for dysentery, leaves for intestinal disorders and seeds for ulcers. 
• In Guiana, root bark used for dysentery and as febrifuge.

• Anti-Inflammatory / Antibacterial: Pithecellobium dulce yielded a glycoside quercitin. The activity of the flavonol glycoside confirmed its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
• Phenolics / Antioxidant:  Pithecellobium dulce leaves revealed phenolics including flavonoids and showed potent free radical scavenging activity. 
• Anti-inflammatory Triterpene: Anti-inflammatory triterpene saponins of Pithecellobium dulce. A new bisdesmodic triterpenoid saponin, dulcin, was isolated from the seeds of PD.  
• Genotoxicity / Mutagenic and Antimutagenic Activities:  Pithecellobium dulce was exhibited detectable genotoxicity in any system.
• Anti-Ulcer / Free Radical Scavenging: Study of the hydroalcoholic extract of PD was found to possess good antioxidant activity and suggests possible antiulcer activity .
• Hepatoprotective: Study of an aqueous extract of P. dulce in a murine model showed hepatoprotection against CCl4-induced oxidative impairments probably through its antioxidative property. Results were supported by histological findings. 
• CNS Depressant: Study evaluating the locomotor activity of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of PD in albino mice showed significant CNS depression, the alcoholic extract exhibiting greater effect when compared to chlorpromazine. The activity was attributed to an increase in the concentration of GABA in the brain
• Analgesic / Anti-Inflammatory: Study showed significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects comparable to standard drugs.
• Antioxidant / Antibacterial: Study of fruit peel for antioxidant and antibacterial potential revealed significant activity.
•   Hypolipidemic / Free Radical Scavenging: Study evaluated the anti-hyperlipidemic activity of an aqueous extract of leaves against triton induced hyperlipidemia in rats. Results showed lipid effects with a decrease in total serum cholesterol, LDL, and an increase in serum HDL cholesterol level.
•  Antimicrobial / Leaf Extracts: Study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of leaf of P. dulce against 20 pathogenic microorganisms. Results showed extracts possess bioactive compounds with significant antimicrobial activities.
• a-Glucosidase and a-Amylase / Leaf Extracts: Study evaluated bark and leaves of P. dulce for a-amylase and a-glucosidase inhibition in vitro. a-amylase and a-gluscosidase inhibitors from food-grade plant sources offer an alternative approach for the treatment of post-prandial hyperglycemia by decrease glucose release from starch and delaying carbohydrate absorption. Results confirmed a-glucosidase and a-amylase inhibitory activity of a methanol and ethanol extract. 
• Skeletal Muscle Relaxant / CNS Depressant: Study showed an acutely administered single dose of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of leaves possess skeletal muscle relaxant activity and CNS depressant activity but no anticonvulsant action.
• Tannin, 25.36%; fixed oil, 18.22%, olein.
• A glycoside quercitin has been isolated.
• Seeds have been reported to contain steroids, saponins, lipids, phospholipids, glycosides, glycolipids and polysaccharides.
• Bark yields 37% tannins of the catechol type.
• Leaves yield quercitin, kaempferol, dulcitol and afezilin.
• Considered abortifacient, anodyne, astringent, larvicidal, antibacterial, antiinflammatory, febrifuge, antidiabetic. 
• Bark and leaves considered astringent.
• Leaves considered astringent, emollient, antidiabetic, and abortifacient.
• Roots reported to be estrogenic.

• Frequent bowel movements: Decoction of bark taken as tea.
• The leaves, when applied as plasters, used for pain, venereal sores.
• Salted decoction of leaves, for indigestion; also used as abortifacient.
• Bark used in dysentery, dermatitis and eye inflammation.
• In Brazil, P. avaremotem, used as a cancer elixir.
• In Mexico, decoction of leaves for earaches, leprosy, toothaches and larvicide.
• In India, bark of the plant used as astringent in dysentery, febrifuge. Also used for dermatitis and eye inflammations. Leaves used as abortifacient.
convulsions, dyspepsia, peptic ulcers, sores and skin of the stem is used for dysentery, leaves for intestinal disorders and seeds for ulcers. 
• In Guiana, root bark used for dysentery and as febrifuge.

• Anti-Inflammatory / Antibacterial: Pithecellobium dulce yielded a glycoside quercitin. The activity of the flavonol glycoside confirmed its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
• Phenolics / Antioxidant: Pithecellobium dulce leaves revealed phenolics including flavonoids and showed potent free radical scavenging activity. 
• Anti-inflammatory Triterpene: Anti-inflammatory triterpene saponins of Pithecellobium dulce. A new bisdesmodic triterpenoid saponin, dulcin, was isolated from the seeds of PD. 
• Genotoxicity / Mutagenic and Antimutagenic Activities: Pithecellobium dulce was exhibited detectable genotoxicity in any system.
• Anti-Ulcer / Free Radical Scavenging: Study of the hydroalcoholic extract of PD was found to possess good antioxidant activity and suggests possible antiulcer activity .
• Hepatoprotective: Study of an aqueous extract of P. dulce in a murine model showed hepatoprotection against CCl4-induced oxidative impairments probably through its antioxidative property. Results were supported by histological findings. 
• CNS Depressant: Study evaluating the locomotor activity of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of PD in albino mice showed significant CNS depression, the alcoholic extract exhibiting greater effect when compared to chlorpromazine. The activity was attributed to an increase in the concentration of GABA in the brain
• Analgesic / Anti-Inflammatory: Study showed significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects comparable to standard drugs.
• Antioxidant / Antibacterial: Study of fruit peel for antioxidant and antibacterial potential revealed significant activity.
• Hypolipidemic / Free Radical Scavenging: Study evaluated the anti-hyperlipidemic activity of an aqueous extract of leaves against triton induced hyperlipidemia in rats. Results showed lipid effects with a decrease in total serum cholesterol, LDL, and an increase in serum HDL cholesterol level.
• Antimicrobial / Leaf Extracts: Study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of leaf of P. dulce against 20 pathogenic microorganisms. Results showed extracts possess bioactive compounds with significant antimicrobial activities.
• a-Glucosidase and a-Amylase / Leaf Extracts: Study evaluated bark and leaves of P. dulce for a-amylase and a-glucosidase inhibition in vitro. a-amylase and a-gluscosidase inhibitors from food-grade plant sources offer an alternative approach for the treatment of post-prandial hyperglycemia by decrease glucose release from starch and delaying carbohydrate absorption. Results confirmed a-glucosidase and a-amylase inhibitory activity of a methanol and ethanol extract. 
• Skeletal Muscle Relaxant / CNS Depressant: Study showed an acutely administered single dose of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of leaves possess skeletal muscle relaxant activity and CNS depressant activity but no anticonvulsant action.


Photo: POINT: GB-34 (GALL BLADDER-34) 
English: Yang Mound Spring
Paired Organ Liver
Color yellow green
Peak Hours 11pm-1am
Mental Qualities resentment
Physical Branches eyes, tendons, tears, nails
Functions stores and excretes bile, one of the Six Extraordinary Organs

Gallbladder: Wood-energy yang organ

Known as the 'Honorable Minister', the gall bladder is in charge of the 'Central Clearing Department'.  It secretes the pure and potent bile fluids required to digest and metabolize fats and oils, and its energy provides muscular strength and vitality.  It works with the lymphatic system to clear toxic by-products of metabolism from the muscular system, thereby eliminating muscular aches and fatigue.  In the Chinese system, the common tension headache is caused by obstruction in the gall-bladder meridian, which runs up over the shoulders and back of the neck to the top of the head and forehead.  Hence such headaches are usually accompanied by neck and shoulder tension.

The gall bladder governs daring and decisiveness.  In Chinese, the word for 'daring' is da dan ('big gall').  'The gall bladder is daring, the heart is careful', which reflects the stimulating generative influence of Wood to Fire.

Gall Bladder: Psycho-Emotional Aspects

The Gall Bladder is responsible for making decisions and judgments, as well as providing courage and initiative.  This organ is sometimes called the Court of Justice or The General's Advisor.  Although the Kidneys control drive and vitality, the Gall Bladder provides the capacity to turn this drive and vitality into decisive action.  The Gall Bladder has an influence on the quality and length of sleep.  If the Gall Bladder is Deficient, the patient will often wake up suddenly, very early in the morning, and be unable to fall asleep again.  Patient's who are timid, indecisive, and easily discouraged by slight adversity, are said to have a weak Gall Bladder; conversely, decisive and determined patients are said to have a strong Gall Bladder.

The Gallbladder Channel Pathway, Acupuncture Points, and Internal Trajectories

This channel begins just outside the outer corner of the eye, loops down and up to the forehead just within the hair line, and descends behind the ear to the corner of the skull.  It then returns to the forehead above the center of the eye and contours the head to the bottom of the skull at GB-20.  It continues down the neck behind the shoulder to connect with the governing vessel at GV-14, then crosses over the shoulder.  The channel descends the side of the body along the rib margin to the waist and pelvic crest before going deeper to meet the bladder channel at the sacrum.  At GB-30 it re-emerges and continues down the outside of the leg, in front of the ankle, ending on the outside of the 4th toe.  Internal branches connect with the stomach channel (on the jaw) and the small intestine channel, and join the liver and gallbladder organs.

Internal Trajectories of the Gallbladder Meridian
Having come down from the head, a trajectory passes to ST-12.
Then  it passes to the inside of the chest and then down.  It passes through the diaphragm, spirally wraps the liver and permeates the gallbladder.  Then it circles round the inside lining of the ribs and the side of the body and comes down to ST-30
In this case, "the inside of the chest" is seen as the sides of the chest, around PC-1.  In general, we should be aware that the inside of the chest has a wider meaning which depends on context.  It can be inside the chest, CV-17, the sides of the chest, as well as some other less common referents.  In coming down through the diaphragm it probably passes through the esophagus and then the stomach, before it passes to and spirally wraps the liver.  After this, it permeates the gallbladder.  In circling around on the inside of the lining of the ribs and the sides of the body it passes out to LV-13, and then to ST-30.

• Below the lateral aspect of the knee, in the tender depression approximately 1 cun anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula. Note: Slide your finger up the lateral aspect of the lower leg until the soft tissue of the musculature gives way to the bony prominence of the head of the fibula.
• In the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula.
• with the leg bent at the knee, this point can be found in the hollow anterior and slightly below the head of the fibula.

Lower He-Sea point of the Gall Bladder channel, One of the Eight Meeting Points: for tendons, 10th of Ma Dan Yang's Twelve Stars.

• He- Sea point of the Gall Bladder channel
• Earth point of the Gall Bladder channel
• Hui-Meeting point of the sinews
• Mu Dan-yang Heavenly Star point
• Quiet Courage point

• Benefits the sinews and joints
• Activates the channel
• Alleviates pain
• Spreads Liver Qi
• Alleviates pain
• Benefits the lateral costal region
• Clears Liver and Gall Bladder Damp-Heat and Summerheat
• Clears Heat
• Harmonizes the Shao Yang
• Benefits and regulates the Liver and Gall Bladder
• Soothe the Liver and Gall Bladder
• Strengthens the sinews and bones
• Eliminates Phlegm-Fire from the Stomach
• Subdues mild cases of Liver Yang Raising
• Extinguishes Liver Wind
• Removes obstruction from the channel
• Relaxes the sinews
• Benefits the joints and hips
• Strengthens the knees
• Subdues rebellious Qi
• Drains Liver pathogens
• Dispels Wind, Wind-cold and Wind-Phlegm
• Eliminates Exterior conditions

• Disorders of the sinews
• Contraction of the sinews
• Contraction and pain of the calf muscles in sudden turmoil disorder
• Contraction of the sinews of the foot
• Stiffness and tightness of the muscles and joints
• Numbness
• Hemiplegia
• Stiffness of the neck and shoulders
• Elbow pain
• Atrophy disorder of the lower limb
• Painful obstruction of the lower limb
• Swelling, redness and pain of the knee
• Cold painful obstruction of the hip and knee
• Sciatica
• Numbness and pain of the thigh and knee
• Coldness and pallor of the feet
• Leg Qi
• Foot Qi
• Cold hands
• Pain in the sides and ribs
• Intercostal neuralgia
• Rheumatism of the knee
• Dull lancing pain in the thighs and knees
• Muscular atrophy, motor impairment, numbness and pain of the lower extremities
• Insensitivity of the hip and knee
• Cannot flex the foot
• Edema of the legs with spasms
• Urinary incontinence
• Urinary dribbling
• Habitual constipation
• Sensation of something obstructing the throat
• Pain in the renal region
• Hepatitis
• Chronic foot deformity
• Lack of coordination between body and mind, left and right and up and down
• Frightens easily
• Multiple sclerosis
• Infantile convulsions
• Perifocal inflammation of the shoulder
• Sequelae of windstroke
• Lower body erysipelas due to Damp-Heat
• Acid regurgitation
• Wind-predominant Bi
• Convulsions
• Disorders of the muscles and tendons
• Weakness of the lateral deviation of the foot
• Diseases of the Gall Bladder
• Fullness and pain of the lateral costal region
• Frequent sighing
• Fear of people as if one is about to be apprehended
• Constipation
• Enuresis
• Epilepsy
• Bitter taste in the mouth
• Vomiting
• Jaundice
• Chills and fever
• Malaria
• Swelling of the face and head
• Hypertension
• Beriberi
• Difficulty moving the knees
• Bi syndrome of the knee
• Lymphoedema
• Pain in the hypochondriac and costal regions
• Fullness of the chest and ribs
• Pain in the knee preventing it from being flexed
• Wei and Bi syndromes of the lower limbs
• Paralysis of the lower limb
• Spasms of the lower limb
• Insensitivity of the foot
• Muscle spasms in the foot
• Foot swollen or icy and pale
• Distention of the mouth, tongue, throat, face and head
• Retention of urine
• Gall stones
• Cholecystitis
• Peritonitis
• Round worms in the bile duct
• Many types of mental disorders
• Diarrhea
• Insanity
• Loss or lack of Blood
• Sciatica
• Hypertension
• Distention of the Gall Bladder
• Acute biliary tract diseases
• Cirrhosis of the Liver
• Throat Bi
• Seizures
• Infantile paralysis
• Muscular tetany
• Hip joint disorders

• This is the main point to influence the sinews throughout the body.
• This is one of the main points to treat diseases featuring alternating chills and fever including malaria.
• This is considered one of the most important points in the body.
• This is a special point for muscles and lack of Qi and Blood flow.
• This point brings stability and rigidity with flexibility.
English: Yang Mound Spring
Paired Organ Liver
Color yellow green
Peak Hours 11pm-1am
Mental Qualities resentment
Physical Branches eyes, tendons, tears, nails
Functions stores and excretes bile, one of the Six Extraordinary Organs

Gallbladder: Wood-energy yang organ
Known as the 'Honorable Minister', the gall bladder is in charge of the 'Central Clearing Department'. It secretes the pure and potent bile fluids required to digest and metabolize fats and oils, and its energy provides muscular strength and vitality. It works with the lymphatic system to clear toxic by-products of metabolism from the muscular system, thereby eliminating muscular aches and fatigue. In the Chinese system, the common tension headache is caused by obstruction in the gall-bladder meridian, which runs up over the shoulders and back of the neck to the top of the head and forehead. Hence such headaches are usually accompanied by neck and shoulder tension.

The gall bladder governs daring and decisiveness. In Chinese, the word for 'daring' is da dan ('big gall'). 'The gall bladder is daring, the heart is careful', which reflects the stimulating generative influence of Wood to Fire.

Gall Bladder: Psycho-Emotional Aspects
The Gall Bladder is responsible for making decisions and judgments, as well as providing courage and initiative. This organ is sometimes called the Court of Justice or The General's Advisor. Although the Kidneys control drive and vitality, the Gall Bladder provides the capacity to turn this drive and vitality into decisive action. The Gall Bladder has an influence on the quality and length of sleep. If the Gall Bladder is Deficient, the patient will often wake up suddenly, very early in the morning, and be unable to fall asleep again. Patient's who are timid, indecisive, and easily discouraged by slight adversity, are said to have a weak Gall Bladder; conversely, decisive and determined patients are said to have a strong Gall Bladder.

The Gallbladder Channel Pathway
This channel begins just outside the outer corner of the eye, loops down and up to the forehead just within the hair line, and descends behind the ear to the corner of the skull. It then returns to the forehead above the center of the eye and contours the head to the bottom of the skull at GB-20. It continues down the neck behind the shoulder to connect with the governing vessel at GV-14, then crosses over the shoulder. The channel descends the side of the body along the rib margin to the waist and pelvic crest before going deeper to meet the bladder channel at the sacrum. At GB-30 it re-emerges and continues down the outside of the leg, in front of the ankle, ending on the outside of the 4th toe. Internal branches connect with the stomach channel (on the jaw) and the small intestine channel, and join the liver and gallbladder organs.

Internal Trajectories of the Gallbladder Meridian
Having come down from the head, a trajectory passes to ST-12.
Then it passes to the inside of the chest and then down. It passes through the diaphragm, spirally wraps the liver and permeates the gallbladder. Then it circles round the inside lining of the ribs and the side of the body and comes down to ST-30
In this case, "the inside of the chest" is seen as the sides of the chest, around PC-1. In general, we should be aware that the inside of the chest has a wider meaning which depends on context. It can be inside the chest, CV-17, the sides of the chest, as well as some other less common referents. In coming down through the diaphragm it probably passes through the esophagus and then the stomach, before it passes to and spirally wraps the liver. After this, it permeates the gallbladder. In circling around on the inside of the lining of the ribs and the sides of the body it passes out to LV-13, and then to ST-30.

• Below the lateral aspect of the knee, in the tender depression approximately 1 cun anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula. Note: Slide your finger up the lateral aspect of the lower leg until the soft tissue of the musculature gives way to the bony prominence of the head of the fibula.
• In the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula.
• with the leg bent at the knee, this point can be found in the hollow anterior and slightly below the head of the fibula.

Lower He-Sea point of the Gall Bladder channel, One of the Eight Meeting Points: for tendons, 10th of Ma Dan Yang's Twelve Stars.

• He- Sea point of the Gall Bladder channel
• Earth point of the Gall Bladder channel
• Hui-Meeting point of the sinews
• Mu Dan-yang Heavenly Star point
• Quiet Courage point


• Benefits the sinews and joints
• Activates the channel
• Alleviates pain
• Spreads Liver Qi
• Alleviates pain
• Benefits the lateral costal region
• Clears Liver and Gall Bladder Damp-Heat and Summerheat
• Clears Heat
• Harmonizes the Shao Yang
• Benefits and regulates the Liver and Gall Bladder
• Soothe the Liver and Gall Bladder
• Strengthens the sinews and bones
• Eliminates Phlegm-Fire from the Stomach
• Subdues mild cases of Liver Yang Raising
• Extinguishes Liver Wind
• Removes obstruction from the channel
• Relaxes the sinews
• Benefits the joints and hips
• Strengthens the knees
• Subdues rebellious Qi
• Drains Liver pathogens
• Dispels Wind, Wind-cold and Wind-Phlegm
• Eliminates Exterior conditions

• Disorders of the sinews
• Contraction of the sinews
• Contraction and pain of the calf muscles in sudden turmoil disorder
• Contraction of the sinews of the foot
• Stiffness and tightness of the muscles and joints
• Numbness
• Hemiplegia
• Stiffness of the neck and shoulders
• Elbow pain
• Atrophy disorder of the lower limb
• Painful obstruction of the lower limb
• Swelling, redness and pain of the knee
• Cold painful obstruction of the hip and knee
• Sciatica
• Numbness and pain of the thigh and knee
• Coldness and pallor of the feet
• Leg Qi
• Foot Qi
• Cold hands
• Pain in the sides and ribs
• Intercostal neuralgia
• Rheumatism of the knee
• Dull lancing pain in the thighs and knees
• Muscular atrophy, motor impairment, numbness and pain of the lower extremities
• Insensitivity of the hip and knee
• Cannot flex the foot
• Edema of the legs with spasms
• Urinary incontinence
• Urinary dribbling
• Habitual constipation
• Sensation of something obstructing the throat
• Pain in the renal region
• Hepatitis
• Chronic foot deformity
• Lack of coordination between body and mind, left and right and up and down
• Frightens easily
• Multiple sclerosis
• Infantile convulsions
• Perifocal inflammation of the shoulder
• Sequelae of windstroke
• Lower body erysipelas due to Damp-Heat
• Acid regurgitation
• Wind-predominant Bi
• Convulsions
• Disorders of the muscles and tendons
• Weakness of the lateral deviation of the foot
• Diseases of the Gall Bladder
• Fullness and pain of the lateral costal region
• Frequent sighing
• Fear of people as if one is about to be apprehended
• Constipation
• Enuresis
• Epilepsy
• Bitter taste in the mouth
• Vomiting
• Jaundice
• Chills and fever
• Malaria
• Swelling of the face and head
• Hypertension
• Beriberi
• Difficulty moving the knees
• Bi syndrome of the knee
• Lymphoedema
• Pain in the hypochondriac and costal regions
• Fullness of the chest and ribs
• Pain in the knee preventing it from being flexed
• Wei and Bi syndromes of the lower limbs
• Paralysis of the lower limb
• Spasms of the lower limb
• Insensitivity of the foot
• Muscle spasms in the foot
• Foot swollen or icy and pale
• Distention of the mouth, tongue, throat, face and head
• Retention of urine
• Gall stones
• Cholecystitis
• Peritonitis
• Round worms in the bile duct
• Many types of mental disorders
• Diarrhea
• Insanity
• Loss or lack of Blood
• Sciatica
• Hypertension
• Distention of the Gall Bladder
• Acute biliary tract diseases
• Cirrhosis of the Liver
• Throat Bi
• Seizures
• Infantile paralysis
• Muscular tetany
• Hip joint disorders

• This is the main point to influence the sinews throughout the body.
• This is one of the main points to treat diseases featuring alternating chills and fever including malaria.
• This is considered one of the most important points in the body.
• This is a special point for muscles and lack of Qi and Blood flow.
• This point brings stability and rigidity with flexibility.

kidney stone

Photo: kidney stone

A kidney stone is a solid piece of material that forms in a kidney when substances that are normally found in the urine become highly concentrated. A stone may stay in the kidney or travel down the urinary tract. A small stone may pass on its own, causing little or no pain. A larger stone may get stuck along the urinary tract and can block the flow of urine, causing severe pain or bleeding. Men are affected more often than women, and kidney stones. Overweight and obese people are more likely to get a kidney stone than people of normal weight. 

causes :

Kidney stones can form when substances in the urine—such as calcium, oxalate, and phosphorus—become highly concentrated. Certain foods may promote stone formation in people who are susceptible, but scientists do not believe that eating any specific food causes stones to form in people who are not susceptible. People who do not drink enough fluids may also be at higher risk, as their urine is more concentrated.
People who are at increased risk of kidney stones are those with
• hypercalciuria, a condition that runs in families in which urine contains unusually large amounts of calcium; this is the most common condition found in those who form calcium stones
• a family history of kidney stones
• cystic kidney diseases, which are disorders that cause fluid-filled sacs to form on the kidneys
• hyperparathyroidism, a condition in which the parathyroid glands, which are four pea-sized glands located in the neck, release too much hormone, causing extra calcium in the blood
• renal tubular acidosis, a disease that occurs when the kidneys fail to excrete acids into the urine, which causes a person’s blood to remain too acidic
• cystinuria, a condition in which urine contains high levels of the amino acid cystine
• hyperoxaluria, a condition in which urine contains unusually large amounts of oxalate
• hyperuricosuria, a disorder of uric acid metabolism
• gout, a disorder that causes painful swelling of the joints
• blockage of the urinary tract
• chronic inflammation of the bowel
• a history of gastrointestinal (GI) tract surgery

Types of kidney stones

Four major types of kidney stones can form:
• Calcium stones are the most common type of kidney stone and occur in two major forms: calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. Calcium oxalate stones are more common. Calcium oxalate stone formation may be caused by high calcium and high oxalate excretion. Calcium phosphate stones are caused by the combination of high urine calcium and alkaline urine, meaning the urine has a high pH.
• Uric acid stones form when the urine is persistently acidic. A diet rich in purines—substances found in animal protein such as meats, fish, and shellfish—may increase uric acid in urine. If uric acid becomes concentrated in the urine, it can settle and form a stone by itself or along with calcium.
• Struvite stones result from kidney infections. Eliminating infected stones from the urinary tract and staying infection-free can prevent more struvite stones.
• Cystine stones result from a genetic disorder that causes cystine to leak through the kidneys and into the urine, forming crystals that tend to accumulate into stones.
• Xanthine Stones. Other kidney stones are composed of xanthine, a nitrogen compound. These stones are extremely uncommon and usually occur as a result of a rare genetic disorder.

Causes of Calcium Stones: 

Excess Calcium in the Urine (Hypercalciuria).
Hypercalciuria (too much calcium in the urine) is responsible for as much as 70% of calcium-containing stones. A number of conditions may produce hypercalciuria. Many are due to genetic factors, but most cases are due to unknown causes (idiopathic).
The following can lead to hypercalciuria and calcium stones:
• Too much calcium absorption in the intestines: In most of these conditions, genetic factors lead to increased calcium absorption in the intestine.
• Excessive chloride: Chloride has a negative charge, and calcium has a positive one, so they balance each other in the body. Excess chloride may lead to excess calcium.
• Renal calcium leak: In this condition, the does not regulate minerals normally, causing an increase of calcium in the urine.
• Excessive sodium: High urinary levels of sodium result in increased levels of calcium. Certain defects in the kidney tubules transport system, which cause imbalances in sodium and phosphate, can lead to high calcium levels in the urine. A diet high in salt can also produce this effect.

Excess Oxalate in the Urine (Hyperoxaluria)  
Oxalate is the most common stone-forming compound. Too much oxalate in the urine is responsible for up to 60% of calcium stones and is a more common cause of stones than too much calcium in the urine.
Hyperoxaluria can be either primary or secondary.
• Primary hyperoxaluria is an inherited disorder in which too much oxalate in the urine is the main problem.
• Secondary hyperoxaluria results from specific conditions that cause high levels of urinary oxalate.
Secondary hyperoxaluria is usually caused by too much dietary oxalates (found in a number of common vegetables, fruits, and grains) or by problems in the body’s breakdown of oxalates. Such defects may be due to various factors:
• Severe vitamin B6 deficiencies (usually due to genetic disorders)
• Deficiencies in Oxalobacter formigenes, an intestinal bacteria that breaks down oxalate
• Short bowel syndrome, a condition that generally results from removal of portions of the small intestines. It causes an inability to properly absorb fat and nutrients. Calcium may bind to the unabsorbed fat instead of the oxalates, which causes a buildup of oxalate
• Androgens (male hormones)
Female hormones (estrogens) actually lower the risk of hyperoxaluria. Estrogen may help prevent the formation of calcium oxalate stones by keeping urine alkaline, and raising protective citrate levels.
Excessive Calcium in the Bloodstream (Hypercalcemia). 

Hypercalcemia generally occurs when bones break down and release too much calcium into the bloodstream. This is a process called resorption. It can occur from a number of different diseases and events:
• Hyperparathyroidism: Overactive parathyroid glands cause about 5% of calcium stones. People with this disorder have at least a 20% chance of developing kidney stones. Women are more likely to have this disorder than men.
• Immobilization: Lack of movement can lead to kidney stones.
• Renal tubular acidosis: This disorder causes an acidic and alkaline imbalance. Renal tubular acidosis not only increases calcium levels in the bloodstream, but it also reduces protective citrate levels.
Hyperuricosuria is a condition in which there are high levels of uric acid in urine. It occurs in 15 – 20% of people (mostly men) with calcium oxalate stones. Urate, the salt formed from uric acid, creates the center of a crystal (nidus), around which calcium oxalate crystals form and grow. Such stones tend to be severe and recurrent. They appear to be strongly related to a high intake of protein. (Hyperuricosuria also plays a major role in some uric acid stones.)
Low Urine Levels of Citrate (Hypocitraturia). Citrate is the main substance in the body that is responsible for removing excess calcium. It also blocks the process that turns calcium crystals into stones. Low levels of citrate in the urine is a significant risk factor for calcium stones. Hypocitraturia also increases the risk for uric acid stones. This condition most likely contributes to about a third of all kidney stones.
Many conditions can reduce citrate levels. Some causes include:
• Renal tubular acidosis
• Potassium or magnesium deficiency
• Urinary tract infection
• Kidney failure
• Chronic diarrhea

Causes of Uric Acid Stones :

Human body tissues, and certain foods, substances called purines. Purine-containing foods include dried beans, peas, and liver. When the body breaks down purines, it produces uric acid. The presence of a certain level of uric acid in the body is normal, but excess uric acid can lead to stones.
The following conditions are usually seen in patients with uric acid stones:
• Too much uric acid in the urine for a long period (the most important cause of uric acid stones)
• Lower than normal amounts of urine produced
• Hyperuricosuria, a metabolic disorder that leads to high levels of uric acid in the urine
A number of conditions and other factors may contribute to, or cause, uric acid stones:
• Gout: Uric acid and other kidney stones develop in up to 25% of patients with primary gout, a painful form of arthritis that occurs when uric acid in the blood forms crystals in one or more joints.
• Diabetes: People with type 2 diabetes have highly acidic urine that can lead to kidney stones, particularly uric acid stones.
• Insulin resistance: People with insulin resistance have an increased risk for uric acid stones. The reason is unknown but may be related to the transport of certain salts through the kidneys. This transport changes in patients with insulin resistance.
• Kidney abnormalities: Kidney problems that reduce the production of ammonia, particularly in people with diabetes or insulin resistance, may lead to uric acid stones.
• Genetic factors: Inherited factors can increase a person’s risk for uric acid stones.
• Hypocitraturia: Hypocitraturia is a low amount of citrate in the urine.
• Diet: Eating too much animal protein increases the risk of forming uric acid stones.
Other risk factors include:
• Certain medications (chemotherapy drugs, diuretics, and salicylates)
• Binge drinking
• Not eating for long periods of time (fasting)
• Lead poisoning
• Treatment of blood cancers (leukemia, multiple myeloma, and lymphomas)
• Some rare types of anemia (low levels of red blood cells in the blood)
• Chronic diarrhea

Symptoms :

• Serious soreness from the aspect along with returning, beneath the particular ribs
• Pain may be felt in the belly area or side of the back
• Pain may move to groin area (groin pain) or testicles (testicle pain)
• Ache of which propagates for the cheaper tummy along with groin
• Ache of which also comes in waves along with changes throughout depth
• Ache upon urination
• White, reddish colored or even brown leafy urine
• Dark or even foul-smelling urine
• Nausea along with nausea or vomiting
• Prolonged encourage to help urinate
• Urinating more reguarily compared to typical
• Nausea along with chills in the event an infection is present


People can help prevent kidney stones by making changes in their fluid intake. Depending on the type of kidney stone a person has, changes in the amounts of sodium, animal protein, calcium, and oxalate consumed can also help.
Drinking enough fluids each day is the best way to help prevent most types of kidney stones.Though water is best, other fluids may also help prevent kidney stones, such as citrus drinks.
Recommendations based on the specific type of kidney stone include the following:
Calcium Oxalate Stones
• reducing sodium
• reducing animal protein, such as meat, eggs, and fish
• getting enough calcium from food or taking calcium supplements with food
• avoiding foods high in oxalate, such as spinach, rhubarb, nuts, and wheat bran
Calcium Phosphate Stones
• reducing sodium
• reducing animal protein
• getting enough calcium from food or taking calcium supplements with food
Uric Acid Stones
• limiting animal protein

Natural Remedies :

 “Lifestyle changes can dramatically reduce the risk of stones,” .

The following home remedies were developed to help dissolve kidney stones and restore normal function to the urinary system.

Drink linseed tea to break up your kidney stones. Add 2 tablespoons of linseed to 2 cups of boiling water. Allow the seeds to steep for 15 minutes and then pour the brew through a coffee filter to remove the seeds. Add ¼ cup of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of honey and stir until well blended. Enjoy this tea three to five times a day until pain has decreased and kidney function returns to normal.

Lemon juice, raw apple cider vinegar plus olive oil
This is one of the natural home remedies that is not only easily available in your home, but quite efficient when it comes to curing kidney stones naturally. Symptoms such as abdominal pain can be managed by blending olive oil with lemon juice extract. After drinking the mixture, ensure that you have drunk at least 12 ounces of water. Wait for at least 30 minutes before blending 0.5 ounces of lemon juice in 12 ounces of water. Add one tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar before drinking. Repeat this cycle every one hour until the pain has subsided.

Kidney Beans
One of the foods that doctors and other nutritionist recommend for healthy kidneys are kidney beans. Unknown to a majority of people is that kidney stones have been utilized for ages as a medicinal decoction. Remove the beans from the pods and then boil the beans I purified water for at least 6 hours. Take a cheese garment and strain the liquid. Give the liquid a couple of hours to cool down before taking it. To ease the pain, it is highly suggested that you drink the liquid throughout the day.

When life hands you kidney stones, drink lemonade. Most citrus juices contain compounds that accelerate the formation of stones. Lemon juice contains unusually high concentrates of citrate, which stops the formation of calcium stones. It also increases the volume of urination. Limeade is equally effective.

Uva Ursi
This is also another effective natural home remedy for kidney stones. On top of enabling to combat infections that are triggered with the onset of kidney stones, Uva Ursi also functions in assisting in pain reduction and cleansing of the urinary tract. For effective results, it is highly recommended that you take 500 milligram at least twice in a day.

Drink more water.
Make it a goal to drink at least three liters of water per day. Water will help move the stones through the system, washing away any residual toxins in the process. Drinking more water can help to keep uric acid diluted, which helps prevent the absorption and subsequent collection of the chemical compounds which form kidney stones.

Increase your consumption of natural diuretics such as watermelon, cantaloupe, celery and grapes. By eating these foods you encourage the removal of excess fluids from the body and work to restore the health and function of the kidneys.

Eat more asparagus. Canned, fresh or frozen, this vegetable contains the compound asparagine which breaks up kidney stones. In addition to making the stones smaller and easier to pass, asparagus increases the level of cellular activity within the kidney, increasing the flow of urine and helping to wash the stones from the system.

Take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, add it to 1 cup of water and drink before each meal. The chemical composition of this old-time remedy works to soften and dissolve kidney stones.

Dandelion Root
Organic dandelion root is a great kidney tonic and cleanser. Taking up to 500 mg twice a day may be beneficial.

Pomegranate Juice
The seeds and juice of pomegranates can be considered another natural remedy for kidney stones. This may be related to their sourness and astringent properties

A kidney tonifier, basil tea can be taken throughout the day for overall kidney health. If you have kidney stones, try taking one teaspoon each of basil juice with raw honey daily for up to six months. It’s believed that folk remedies with pure basil juice can help induce stone expulsion from the urinary tract.

Dietary change
Consuming unhealthy foods can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Hence, you need to curtail on the quantity of energy drinks as well as sodas that you consume. Moreover, you need to steer clear of processed foods plus alcoholic drinks. Furthermore, avoid foods that have high levels of oxalate such as rhubarb, beets, spinach, Swiss chard, soybean, wheat germ, okra, peanuts, and sweets (sugary foods and chocolates).

Drink milk. Most kidney stones contain calcium, so it would make logical sense that consuming less calcium would lower the risk of stones. Actually, the exact opposite happens. At least in men, a low-calcium diet nearly doubles the risk of stones. Taking calcium supplements, in women, lowers the risk of stones.

Don't avoid veggies. Most kidney stones contain oxalic acid, so it would seem logical to avoid fruits and vegetables that contain oxalic acid. One vegetable contains such an enormous amount of oxalic acid that kidney stone sufferers really do need to avoid it, and that vegetable is the seldom-eaten lamb's quarters. But almonds, beet greens, bran, chocolate, rhubarb, spinach, Swiss chard, strawberries, and tea, which contain less oxalic acid, have no effect on the risk of kidney stones, and in fact, they may even help prevent stones. The vitamin K in spinach and Swiss chard helps the bones absorb calcium, and keeps that calcium out of the urine.

Avoid eating too much meat. Only about one-third of people who get kidney stones suffer negative effects of a high-protein diet. For the kidney stone sufferers, however, a meat-free diet can be very helpful. The only way to find out if you are in that one-third is to give a vegetarian diet a try for three to four months.

Drink mineral water. Mineral water reduces concentrations of calcium and uric acid, making the urine less alkaline and less likely to form stones. And, finally, to mangle a well-known aphorism.

Natural home remedy using kidney beans:

1. Take 60 gm kidney beans
2. Add 4 L of water
3. Heat for 4-5 hr
4. Strain the liquid through a fine muslin cloth
5. Allow the liquid to cool
6. Drink 1 glass of this liquid once every 2 hr in a day
7. Do this for a week
8. Do not use the liquid or the beans again 24 hr after the 1st preparation

Natural home remedy using horse gram and pomegranate seeds:
1. Take 1 cup of horse gram
2. Add ½ L water
3. Heat the mixture till water level reduces to 1/5th
4. Strain and collect the soup
5. Add 2 tsp of crushed pomegranate 
6. Mix well
7. Drink once a day

Natural home remedy using basil leaves and honey:

1. Take 10-15 basil leaves
2. Crush them to make paste
3. Take 1 tsp of basil leaf paste
4. Press on a sieve and extract its juice
5. Add 1 tsp honey
6. Mix well
7. Drink this every day
A kidney stone is a solid piece of material that forms in a kidney when substances that are normally found in the urine become highly concentrated. A stone may stay in the kidney or travel down the urinary tract. A small stone may pass on its own, causing little or no pain. A larger stone may get stuck along the urinary tract and can block the flow of urine, causing severe pain or bleeding. Men are affected more often than women, and kidney stones. Overweight and obese people are more likely to get a kidney stone than people of normal weight. 

causes :
Kidney stones can form when substances in the urine—such as calcium, oxalate, and phosphorus—become highly concentrated. Certain foods may promote stone formation in people who are susceptible, but scientists do not believe that eating any specific food causes stones to form in people who are not susceptible. People who do not drink enough fluids may also be at higher risk, as their urine is more concentrated.
People who are at increased risk of kidney stones are those with
• hypercalciuria, a condition that runs in families in which urine contains unusually large amounts of calcium; this is the most common condition found in those who form calcium stones
• a family history of kidney stones
• cystic kidney diseases, which are disorders that cause fluid-filled sacs to form on the kidneys
• hyperparathyroidism, a condition in which the parathyroid glands, which are four pea-sized glands located in the neck, release too much hormone, causing extra calcium in the blood
• renal tubular acidosis, a disease that occurs when the kidneys fail to excrete acids into the urine, which causes a person’s blood to remain too acidic
• cystinuria, a condition in which urine contains high levels of the amino acid cystine
• hyperoxaluria, a condition in which urine contains unusually large amounts of oxalate
• hyperuricosuria, a disorder of uric acid metabolism
• gout, a disorder that causes painful swelling of the joints
• blockage of the urinary tract
• chronic inflammation of the bowel
• a history of gastrointestinal (GI) tract surgery

Types of kidney stones
Four major types of kidney stones can form:
• Calcium stones are the most common type of kidney stone and occur in two major forms: calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. Calcium oxalate stones are more common. Calcium oxalate stone formation may be caused by high calcium and high oxalate excretion. Calcium phosphate stones are caused by the combination of high urine calcium and alkaline urine, meaning the urine has a high pH.
• Uric acid stones form when the urine is persistently acidic. A diet rich in purines—substances found in animal protein such as meats, fish, and shellfish—may increase uric acid in urine. If uric acid becomes concentrated in the urine, it can settle and form a stone by itself or along with calcium.
• Struvite stones result from kidney infections. Eliminating infected stones from the urinary tract and staying infection-free can prevent more struvite stones.
• Cystine stones result from a genetic disorder that causes cystine to leak through the kidneys and into the urine, forming crystals that tend to accumulate into stones.
• Xanthine Stones. Other kidney stones are composed of xanthine, a nitrogen compound. These stones are extremely uncommon and usually occur as a result of a rare genetic disorder.

Causes of Calcium Stones: 
Excess Calcium in the Urine (Hypercalciuria).
Hypercalciuria (too much calcium in the urine) is responsible for as much as 70% of calcium-containing stones. A number of conditions may produce hypercalciuria. Many are due to genetic factors, but most cases are due to unknown causes (idiopathic).
The following can lead to hypercalciuria and calcium stones:
• Too much calcium absorption in the intestines: In most of these conditions, genetic factors lead to increased calcium absorption in the intestine.
• Excessive chloride: Chloride has a negative charge, and calcium has a positive one, so they balance each other in the body. Excess chloride may lead to excess calcium.
• Renal calcium leak: In this condition, the does not regulate minerals normally, causing an increase of calcium in the urine.
• Excessive sodium: High urinary levels of sodium result in increased levels of calcium. Certain defects in the kidney tubules transport system, which cause imbalances in sodium and phosphate, can lead to high calcium levels in the urine. A diet high in salt can also produce this effect.

Excess Oxalate in the Urine (Hyperoxaluria)
Oxalate is the most common stone-forming compound. Too much oxalate in the urine is responsible for up to 60% of calcium stones and is a more common cause of stones than too much calcium in the urine.
Hyperoxaluria can be either primary or secondary.
• Primary hyperoxaluria is an inherited disorder in which too much oxalate in the urine is the main problem.
• Secondary hyperoxaluria results from specific conditions that cause high levels of urinary oxalate.
Secondary hyperoxaluria is usually caused by too much dietary oxalates (found in a number of common vegetables, fruits, and grains) or by problems in the body’s breakdown of oxalates. Such defects may be due to various factors:
• Severe vitamin B6 deficiencies (usually due to genetic disorders)
• Deficiencies in Oxalobacter formigenes, an intestinal bacteria that breaks down oxalate
• Short bowel syndrome, a condition that generally results from removal of portions of the small intestines. It causes an inability to properly absorb fat and nutrients. Calcium may bind to the unabsorbed fat instead of the oxalates, which causes a buildup of oxalate
• Androgens (male hormones)
Female hormones (estrogens) actually lower the risk of hyperoxaluria. Estrogen may help prevent the formation of calcium oxalate stones by keeping urine alkaline, and raising protective citrate levels.
Excessive Calcium in the Bloodstream (Hypercalcemia).

Hypercalcemia generally occurs when bones break down and release too much calcium into the bloodstream. This is a process called resorption. It can occur from a number of different diseases and events:
• Hyperparathyroidism: Overactive parathyroid glands cause about 5% of calcium stones. People with this disorder have at least a 20% chance of developing kidney stones. Women are more likely to have this disorder than men.
• Immobilization: Lack of movement can lead to kidney stones.
• Renal tubular acidosis: This disorder causes an acidic and alkaline imbalance. Renal tubular acidosis not only increases calcium levels in the bloodstream, but it also reduces protective citrate levels.
Hyperuricosuria is a condition in which there are high levels of uric acid in urine. It occurs in 15 – 20% of people (mostly men) with calcium oxalate stones. Urate, the salt formed from uric acid, creates the center of a crystal (nidus), around which calcium oxalate crystals form and grow. Such stones tend to be severe and recurrent. They appear to be strongly related to a high intake of protein. (Hyperuricosuria also plays a major role in some uric acid stones.)
Low Urine Levels of Citrate (Hypocitraturia). Citrate is the main substance in the body that is responsible for removing excess calcium. It also blocks the process that turns calcium crystals into stones. Low levels of citrate in the urine is a significant risk factor for calcium stones. Hypocitraturia also increases the risk for uric acid stones. This condition most likely contributes to about a third of all kidney stones.
Many conditions can reduce citrate levels. Some causes include:
• Renal tubular acidosis
• Potassium or magnesium deficiency
• Urinary tract infection
• Kidney failure
• Chronic diarrhea

Causes of Uric Acid Stones :
Human body tissues, and certain foods, substances called purines. Purine-containing foods include dried beans, peas, and liver. When the body breaks down purines, it produces uric acid. The presence of a certain level of uric acid in the body is normal, but excess uric acid can lead to stones.
The following conditions are usually seen in patients with uric acid stones:
• Too much uric acid in the urine for a long period (the most important cause of uric acid stones)
• Lower than normal amounts of urine produced
• Hyperuricosuria, a metabolic disorder that leads to high levels of uric acid in the urine
A number of conditions and other factors may contribute to, or cause, uric acid stones:
• Gout: Uric acid and other kidney stones develop in up to 25% of patients with primary gout, a painful form of arthritis that occurs when uric acid in the blood forms crystals in one or more joints.
• Diabetes: People with type 2 diabetes have highly acidic urine that can lead to kidney stones, particularly uric acid stones.
• Insulin resistance: People with insulin resistance have an increased risk for uric acid stones. The reason is unknown but may be related to the transport of certain salts through the kidneys. This transport changes in patients with insulin resistance.
• Kidney abnormalities: Kidney problems that reduce the production of ammonia, particularly in people with diabetes or insulin resistance, may lead to uric acid stones.
• Genetic factors: Inherited factors can increase a person’s risk for uric acid stones.
• Hypocitraturia: Hypocitraturia is a low amount of citrate in the urine.
• Diet: Eating too much animal protein increases the risk of forming uric acid stones.
Other risk factors include:
• Certain medications (chemotherapy drugs, diuretics, and salicylates)
• Binge drinking
• Not eating for long periods of time (fasting)
• Lead poisoning
• Treatment of blood cancers (leukemia, multiple myeloma, and lymphomas)
• Some rare types of anemia (low levels of red blood cells in the blood)
• Chronic diarrhea

Symptoms :
• Serious soreness from the aspect along with returning, beneath the particular ribs
• Pain may be felt in the belly area or side of the back
• Pain may move to groin area (groin pain) or testicles (testicle pain)
• Ache of which propagates for the cheaper tummy along with groin
• Ache of which also comes in waves along with changes throughout depth
• Ache upon urination
• White, reddish colored or even brown leafy urine
• Dark or even foul-smelling urine
• Nausea along with nausea or vomiting
• Prolonged encourage to help urinate
• Urinating more reguarily compared to typical
• Nausea along with chills in the event an infection is present

People can help prevent kidney stones by making changes in their fluid intake. Depending on the type of kidney stone a person has, changes in the amounts of sodium, animal protein, calcium, and oxalate consumed can also help.
Drinking enough fluids each day is the best way to help prevent most types of kidney stones.Though water is best, other fluids may also help prevent kidney stones, such as citrus drinks.
Recommendations based on the specific type of kidney stone include the following:
Calcium Oxalate Stones
• reducing sodium
• reducing animal protein, such as meat, eggs, and fish
• getting enough calcium from food or taking calcium supplements with food
• avoiding foods high in oxalate, such as spinach, rhubarb, nuts, and wheat bran
Calcium Phosphate Stones
• reducing sodium
• reducing animal protein
• getting enough calcium from food or taking calcium supplements with food
Uric Acid Stones
• limiting animal protein

Natural Remedies :
“Lifestyle changes can dramatically reduce the risk of stones,” .

The following home remedies were developed to help dissolve kidney stones and restore normal function to the urinary system.

Drink linseed tea to break up your kidney stones. Add 2 tablespoons of linseed to 2 cups of boiling water. Allow the seeds to steep for 15 minutes and then pour the brew through a coffee filter to remove the seeds. Add ¼ cup of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of honey and stir until well blended. Enjoy this tea three to five times a day until pain has decreased and kidney function returns to normal.

Lemon juice, raw apple cider vinegar plus olive oil
This is one of the natural home remedies that is not only easily available in your home, but quite efficient when it comes to curing kidney stones naturally. Symptoms such as abdominal pain can be managed by blending olive oil with lemon juice extract. After drinking the mixture, ensure that you have drunk at least 12 ounces of water. Wait for at least 30 minutes before blending 0.5 ounces of lemon juice in 12 ounces of water. Add one tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar before drinking. Repeat this cycle every one hour until the pain has subsided.

Kidney Beans
One of the foods that doctors and other nutritionist recommend for healthy kidneys are kidney beans. Unknown to a majority of people is that kidney stones have been utilized for ages as a medicinal decoction. Remove the beans from the pods and then boil the beans I purified water for at least 6 hours. Take a cheese garment and strain the liquid. Give the liquid a couple of hours to cool down before taking it. To ease the pain, it is highly suggested that you drink the liquid throughout the day.

When life hands you kidney stones, drink lemonade. Most citrus juices contain compounds that accelerate the formation of stones. Lemon juice contains unusually high concentrates of citrate, which stops the formation of calcium stones. It also increases the volume of urination. Limeade is equally effective.

Uva Ursi
This is also another effective natural home remedy for kidney stones. On top of enabling to combat infections that are triggered with the onset of kidney stones, Uva Ursi also functions in assisting in pain reduction and cleansing of the urinary tract. For effective results, it is highly recommended that you take 500 milligram at least twice in a day.

Drink more water.
Make it a goal to drink at least three liters of water per day. Water will help move the stones through the system, washing away any residual toxins in the process. Drinking more water can help to keep uric acid diluted, which helps prevent the absorption and subsequent collection of the chemical compounds which form kidney stones.

Increase your consumption of natural diuretics such as watermelon, cantaloupe, celery and grapes. By eating these foods you encourage the removal of excess fluids from the body and work to restore the health and function of the kidneys.

Eat more asparagus. Canned, fresh or frozen, this vegetable contains the compound asparagine which breaks up kidney stones. In addition to making the stones smaller and easier to pass, asparagus increases the level of cellular activity within the kidney, increasing the flow of urine and helping to wash the stones from the system.

Take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, add it to 1 cup of water and drink before each meal. The chemical composition of this old-time remedy works to soften and dissolve kidney stones.

Dandelion Root
Organic dandelion root is a great kidney tonic and cleanser. Taking up to 500 mg twice a day may be beneficial.

Pomegranate Juice
The seeds and juice of pomegranates can be considered another natural remedy for kidney stones. This may be related to their sourness and astringent properties

A kidney tonifier, basil tea can be taken throughout the day for overall kidney health. If you have kidney stones, try taking one teaspoon each of basil juice with raw honey daily for up to six months. It’s believed that folk remedies with pure basil juice can help induce stone expulsion from the urinary tract.

Dietary change
Consuming unhealthy foods can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Hence, you need to curtail on the quantity of energy drinks as well as sodas that you consume. Moreover, you need to steer clear of processed foods plus alcoholic drinks. Furthermore, avoid foods that have high levels of oxalate such as rhubarb, beets, spinach, Swiss chard, soybean, wheat germ, okra, peanuts, and sweets (sugary foods and chocolates).

Drink milk. Most kidney stones contain calcium, so it would make logical sense that consuming less calcium would lower the risk of stones. Actually, the exact opposite happens. At least in men, a low-calcium diet nearly doubles the risk of stones. Taking calcium supplements, in women, lowers the risk of stones.

Don't avoid veggies. Most kidney stones contain oxalic acid, so it would seem logical to avoid fruits and vegetables that contain oxalic acid. One vegetable contains such an enormous amount of oxalic acid that kidney stone sufferers really do need to avoid it, and that vegetable is the seldom-eaten lamb's quarters. But almonds, beet greens, bran, chocolate, rhubarb, spinach, Swiss chard, strawberries, and tea, which contain less oxalic acid, have no effect on the risk of kidney stones, and in fact, they may even help prevent stones. The vitamin K in spinach and Swiss chard helps the bones absorb calcium, and keeps that calcium out of the urine.

Avoid eating too much meat. Only about one-third of people who get kidney stones suffer negative effects of a high-protein diet. For the kidney stone sufferers, however, a meat-free diet can be very helpful. The only way to find out if you are in that one-third is to give a vegetarian diet a try for three to four months.

Drink mineral water. Mineral water reduces concentrations of calcium and uric acid, making the urine less alkaline and less likely to form stones. And, finally, to mangle a well-known aphorism.

Natural home remedy using kidney beans:

1. Take 60 gm kidney beans
2. Add 4 L of water
3. Heat for 4-5 hr
4. Strain the liquid through a fine muslin cloth
5. Allow the liquid to cool
6. Drink 1 glass of this liquid once every 2 hr in a day
7. Do this for a week
8. Do not use the liquid or the beans again 24 hr after the 1st preparation

Natural home remedy using horse gram and pomegranate seeds:
1. Take 1 cup of horse gram
2. Add ½ L water
3. Heat the mixture till water level reduces to 1/5th
4. Strain and collect the soup
5. Add 2 tsp of crushed pomegranate
6. Mix well
7. Drink once a day

Natural home remedy using basil leaves and honey:

1. Take 10-15 basil leaves
2. Crush them to make paste
3. Take 1 tsp of basil leaf paste
4. Press on a sieve and extract its juice
5. Add 1 tsp honey
6. Mix well
7. Drink this every day