Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Cholelithiasis : Gallstone

The gallbladder is known as “dan” in Chinese language and it means courage. In the West, when we may say “the gall of you!”, similarly to saying “how dare you!”. 
If a person has a small or weak gallbladder, it implies lack of courage, timidity, fear and indecisiveness. On the other hand, a person who is impulse, short fuse and constantly react out of anger could be also having an imbalance or large gallbladder. A strong and balanced gallbladder helps a person to be more assertive, stable and decisive.

The gallbladder is a 3 to 4 inch-long pear-shaped organ located on the right side of the body, directly under the liver. One of the functions of the liver is to remove poisonous substance from blood so that they can be excreted from the body. The liver excretes all these gathered toxins in a digestive agent called bile. Bile also contains cholesterol, bile salts, lecithin, and other substances. The bile (about one pint of it every day) goes first to the gallbladder, which holds it until food arrives in the small intestine. The gallbladder then releases the bile, which passes through cystic and bile ducts into the small intestine. Ultimately, the toxins are passed out of the body through the faeces. Abnormal concentration of bile acids, cholesterol and phospholipids in the bile can cause the formation of gallstones. The presence of gallstones is known to doctors as Cholelithiasis.

Gallstones can range from the size of a tiny grain of sand to larger than a pea-sized mass. Seventy five percent of gallstones are cholesterol stones, with the remaining 25 percent being pigment stones.

If a stone is pushed out of the gallbladder and lodges in the bile duct, this can cause severe pain in the upper right abdomen and/or across the chest, possibly accompanied of fever, nausea, and vomiting. Other symptoms of gallbladder disease include constant pain below the breastbone that shoots into the right or left shoulder and radiates into the back. The pain can last from 30 minutes to several hours. The urine may be tea- or coffee-colored, and there may be shaking, chills, and a yellowish discoloration of the skin and eyes. Gallbladder attacks occur often in the 11Pm to 1Am or starts in evening and can take place sporadically. A gallbladder attack may mimic a heart attack, with severe pain in the chest area.

Gallstones are primarily comprised of cholesterol and calcium, as calcium bilirubinate or calcium palmitate. Depending on the precise composition, the stones may be soft (more cholesterol) or relatively hard (more calcium). There may be a large number of small sticky stones, or just one large hard stone, as well as many intermediate conditions, such as a few medium size firm stones .The presence of stones may be accompanied by inflammation of the gallbladder wall (cholecystitis). Cholecystis may stimulate stones to form, or the stones may induce such inflammation, with each condition progressively worsening the other.

The gallbladder is an aid to digestion. It is a form of psychological aid. The tension the person feels is anger, rage, something that left a bitter taste in the mouth.Problems in the gallbladder indicate trouble dealing with feelings and, particularly, clarifying them.” What is my place? Am I being granted recognition for what I do?” The person goes through fits of anger but will not express his feelings. For this reason, he does not get rid of his bile and, instead, he stores it.Anger is directly associated to gallbladder problems. Consequently, and by extension, the liver is also involved.

Louise Hay mentioned that gallstones could be tied to bitterness, hard thoughts, condemning or pride. Over the years, these unexpressed emotions could solidify into gallstones. And if it causes a lot of pain and inflammation, it also represents the seething anger.

Possible Symptoms:
• Pulse may be Rapid, Tense, Taught or Slippery (particularly Liver)
• Bitter Taste in Mouth,
• Hypochondriac Pain
• Sharp Stabbing Pain (right side under ribs often radiating to the back of the left shoulder)
• Nausea
• Headaches (migrane)
• Blurred Vision
• Red Swollen Eyes
• Yellowing of Sclera
• Exhaustion
• Bloating/Distension
• Jaundice
• Fever and Chills
• Wind
• Itchy Skin (Head and Face)
• Irritability
• Depression
• Clay Coloured Stools
• Heart Burn

Physical Causes of Gallstones
• Excessive alcohol consumption
• Excessive animal protein consumption
• Toxic, hydrogenated oils, plastic fats such as margarine, fake butter, etc. found in our food
• Highly heated processed foods
• Pesticides
• Medication and over-the-counter drugs
• Birth control
• Recreational drugs
• Overeating
• Smoking
• Exposure to environmental toxins and heavy metals, namely fluoride and copper
• Yo-yo dieting
• Rapid weight loss
• Eating before the prior meal is digested
• Eating at night, when digestion is weakest
• Dehydration
• Lack of sleep
• Stress o

Home Remedies
• Pestle 6 Pcs of Almonds (Badam), 6 Pcs of Raisins (Munnaqqa), 4 gms Musk Melon (Kharbuza), 2 Pcs of small cardamom (Ilaichi) and 10 gms of Sugar Candy (Misri) in mortar or on a stone slab. Mix the assortment with 50 ml of water and strain. Take this liquid 3 times a day, 30 mins. before the meals.
• Tea of Chanca Piedra(Stone Breaker) two times in a day.
• Boil 2 Anjeer (Green Figs) in 1 cup of water. Drink daily for a month.
• Mix the fresh juice of beets, carrots and cucumber in quantities of 100 ml each. Take this combined juice twice daily.
• Take 30 ml of olive oil, first thing in the morning, then immediately have 100 ml of grape fruit juice.
• If you have gallstones, or are prone to developing them, turmeric can reduce your risk of further problems.
• Taking pear fruit liberally helps in healing all gall bladder disorders, including gallstones.

• Take plenty of yoghurt (Dahi).
• One tablespoon of olive oil should be included in the diet.
• Avoid meat, eggs, fried and greasy foods.
• Don't consume alcohol, coffee and pickles.
• Don't undertake any tedious physical work and avoid worries and mental tensions.

Other Health Conditions that Arise from Gallstones Congesting the Liver:
• Poor digestion disrupts homeostasis of the body and is a precursor to almost all chronic illnesses.
• Gallstones turn alkaline bile into toxic bile which serves as a continuous source of poison for the body.
• Gallstones in the liver are a precursor to osteoporosis, arthritis, and degenerative disc disease.
• With insufficient bile flow, your cholesterol levels may remain high because bile flow in the small intestine is needed to precipitate excess cholesterol from the blood.
• Congested bile ducts in the liver cannot effectively neutralize harmful chemicals, thus they become cancer-causing substances that are then scattered throughout the body.
• A congested liver can block the major portion of blood flow to the heart, leaving risks for a weakened heart muscle and heart disease.
• As long as gallstones remain in the bile ducts, parasites and Candida are almost impossible to clear.
• Gallstones interfere with the numerous functions the nervous system, particularly the brain.
• Gallstones prevent the liver’s enzymes from turning steroid hormones into beneficial hormones, thus raising the risk for cancer and other disease.
• Since the liver filters approximately 3 pints of blood every minute, a congested liver inhibits adequate detoxification. Antigens and toxins are continually distributed throughout the blood causing a myriad of health conditions, including allergies, autoimmune disorders and more.
• Since a congested liver cannot adequately detoxify the blood, the heart and kidneys may become damaged.

Treatment :
1. Reflexology : 3,7,8,9,11-15(for ladies),16,19,20,21,22,23,25,27,19,28,37,26
2. Meridinology : qimen (LV-14) and riyue (GB-24), juque (CV-14).(local points to relieve pain and stagnation) yanglingquan (GB-34), qiuxu (GB-40), and zusanli (ST-36) neiguan (PC-6) and zhigou (TB-6), (dannangxue), just below GB-34 (about 1-2 cun lower). Qimen and riyue are the front mu points of the liver and gallbladder meridians respectively; zhigou and yanglingquan can relieve hypochondriac pain, while zusanli helps strengthen the spleen and disperse dampness-heat. Dannangxue is feature point for Gallbladder disharmony

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