Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Jaundice is a condition of the yellow appearance of the skin and whites of the eyes that occurs when the blood contains an excess of the pigment called bilirubin. Bilirubin is a natural product arising from the normal breakdown of red blood cells in the body and is excreted in the bile, through the actions of the liver.

Symptoms :
• yellowish discoloration of the eyes, skin, mouth, and nails
• Stool and urine are dark yellow or reddish reddish-colored
• In obstructive jaundice, the stool is white-colored
• Indigestion
• Flatulence
• Weakness
• Lassitude
• lack of appetite
• burning sensation in the body
• low-grade fever
• drowsiness
• loss of libido
• excessive thirst
• Pain around the liver
• Intense itching in obstructive jaundice

cause :
• Malfunctioning of liver due to the obstruction of the bile ducts, which are responsible for discharging bile salts and pigment into the intestine. This bile is then mixed with the blood and thus gives the skin the yellow hue.
• Gall-stones
• Hepatitis
• Pernicious anaemia
• Diseases affecting the liver like thyroid, malaria, yellow fever and tuberculosis
• hepatitis (swelling of the liver that decreases its ability to function)
• parasites in the liver
• blood disorders, such as hemolytic anemia (a decreased amount of red blood cells in the body, which leads to fatigue and weakness)
• an adverse reaction to or overdose of a medication 

How does a person get jaundice?
The red blood cells in our circulation carry oxygen to all parts of the body and have a life span of about 120 days.
At the end of their life, they are broken down and removed from the circulation by special cells called phagocytes, which are found within the bone marrow, spleen and liver.
New red blood cells are of course continually manufactured, and this also takes place within the bone marrow.
Following breakdown of the red blood cells some of their component parts – such as amino acids and iron – can be re-used by the body. Other components such as bilirubin need to be removed.
Knowing how this removal pathway works is the key to understanding how jaundice occurs.
Most waste products of the body are excreted in the urine via the kidneys, but the liver and bile system is the other main physical route out of the body for these substances.
By 'waste products', we mean the many compounds that arise in the course of the body's metabolism. But almost all forms of drugs must also be eliminated either via the urine or bile routes.
In the case of bilirubin released from old red blood cells, it passes through the bloodstream to the liver, where the liver cells process it.
These cells carry out many complex chemical functions and also produce the liquid bile that is the 'vehicle' by which the cells discharge their output to the bile duct system. This is a branching network of tiny tubes throughout the liver that merge in the same way as the branches of a tree.
Ultimately, a single main bile duct comes out of the liver and joins the first part of the small intestine (duodenum). Bile (and therefore bilirubin) then passes out through the small and large intestines and is excreted in the stool (faeces).
Bile is green in colour. But bacteria in the large bowel act to change the bilirubin to substances that are brown, which gives stool its characteristic colour.
Some of the bilirubin is reabsorbed back into the body through the bowel wall – eventually appearing in the urine as a substance called urobilinogen (although the typical yellow or orange colour of urine is in fact due a different pigment called urochrome).
Therefore, any failure of the bilirubin removal pathway will lead to a build-up of bilirubin in the blood. When this happens the individual's skin turns yellow – causing jaundice. 

Jaundice Treatment
Juices of orange, lemon, grapes, pear, carrot, beet and sugarcane are very helpful. Take hot water enema daily to ensure the regularity in the bowel movements, which eliminates the wastes and prevents the absorption of the decomposed, poisonous matter into the blood stream.
Once the juice fast is over, go on a fruit-only diet for the next 3 – 5 days. Eat 3 meals a day of fresh, juicy fruits like apples, pears, grapes, oranges and pineapple. Then follow the diet mentioned below:
• On awakening: A glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon added.
• Breakfast: A juicy fruit like apple, pear, papaya, grapes, berries and mango, a cup of wheat dalia or a slice of whole meal bread.
• Mid-morning: Orange or pear juice
• Lunch: Raw vegetable salad, 2 small chappatis of whole wheat flour, a steamed leafy vegetable like spinach, methi saag or carrot and a glass of butter-milk.
• Mid-afternoon: Coconut water or apple juice
• Dinner: A cup of strained vegetable soup, 2 chappatis of whole meals, baked potato and a leafy vegetable like methi or spinach
• Before going to bed: A glass of hot skimmed milk with honey if you want.
Avoid all fats like ghee, butter, cream and oils for 2 weeks at least. Then include minimum amount of butter and olive oil. Take a light carbohydrate diet without fats, which you can get from vegetables and fruits. Drink plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit juices. Add dandelion leaves, radishes with leaves and endive to the raw vegetable salad. Raw apples and pears are extremely helpful. Drink barley water many times a day as it is a good remedy for jaundice. You can get this by boiling a cup of barley in 3 liters of water and simmered for 3 hours. Avoid any kind of digestive disturbances. Do not eat any food like pulses or legumes that has the capacity to ferment or putrefy the lower intestines. Drink a lot of water with lemon juice to protect the liver cells.

Home remedies for jaundice:
1. Drink more and more lime juice. This is one of the best home remedies for jaundice.
2. Mash one ripe banana and eat it twice a day along with some honey. This is one of the best home remedies for jaundice.
3. Drink a mixture of lemon juice and sugarcane juice. This is one of the best home remedies for jaundice.
4. Increase the intake of minerals such as iron and calcium in your diet. This is one of the best home remedies for jaundice.
5. Carrot juice is also beneficial for people suffering from jaundice.
6. Beetroot juice when taken with squeezed lemon also helps to cure jaundice in a short period of time.
7. Extract the juice of radish and drink at least one pound of juice on a daily basis. This is one of the best home remedies for jaundice.
8. Drinking the juice of bitter gourd also helps to cure jaundice.
9. Avoid eating fried foods, spicy foods, and oily foods.
10. Take some juice out of two to three tomatoes and add some salt to taste. Drink this juice on a daily basis to get rid of jaundice.
11. Eat more and more prune fruit. This is the best fruit for people suffering from jaundice.
12. Drink a mixture of mint, fresh lime and ginger juice. This is one of the best home remedies for jaundice.
13. Take a glass of buttermilk and some black pepper to it and drink it for a period of seven days. This is one of the proven home remedies for jaundice.

Lifestyle Advice :
• Avoid hot, spicy, oily, and heavy foods; eat a vegetarian diet.
• Avoid refined flour, polished rice (white rice), mustard oil, mustard seeds, asafetida, peas, canned and preserved foods, cakes, pastries, chocolates, alcoholic beverages, and aerated drinks.
• Avoid unnecessary exercise and stressful conditions such as anxiety or anger.
• Take complete rest.
• Avoid working under the sun or near boilers and furnaces.

1. Reflexology : 3,7,8,10,16,19,20,21,23,23,25,27,29,37,28,32,26
2. Meridian : Sp-9,6,Li-11,4,Si-4,St-36,Gb-24,UB-19,20,48,GV9,Liv3,13,K1,GB-34

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