Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Papaya (Carica Papaya)

Healing Properties of Papaya Fruits
• Increases quality of proteins in whole organism.
• Revitalize the human body and maintain energy and vitality.
• Encourages the renewal of muscle tissue.
• papaya can prevent cholesterol oxidation and can be use in a preventative treatments against atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks and diabetic heart disease
• Supports cardiovascular system.
• Boosts up the immune system.
• Helps with the digestive system, by breaking down the proteins and supporting production of digestive enzymes.
• Papaya can be use also externally as a treatment for skin wounds that don’t heal quickly, for this you can use papaya peel or ointments made out of papaya.
• Prevents the cataract formation.
• Due to high vitamin A, it lowers the risk of emphysema in smokers and passive smokers.
• Alleviates inflammation.
• Helps with the nausea and constipation.
• Can benefit people suffering colon cancer and other forms of cancers and aliments of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.
• to protect the body from lung and other cancers
• Reduce Inflammation:
• Promotes Normal Bowel Movements
• Lower cholesterol:
• Source of B vitamins: During chronic times of stress the body’s B vitamins become depleted. Papaya contains smaller amounts of the range of B-vitamins, including B1 and B6. Papaya is a great source of folate, an essential B-vitamin, especially during pregnancy as it helps to promote and restore cellular growth.

Benefits of papaya leaves:
Papaya leaves also contain various substances, including vitamins A, B1, calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and water. In addition, more than 50 amino acids contained in papaya latex, including aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine, lysine, arginine, tritophan, and cysteine .

1. Benefits of Papaya leaves As an acne,pimples medicine.
For those of you who do not feel confident to have facial acne or pimples. Especially for women who always pay attention to beauty. Papaya leaves can treat it is to make a mask.
How to make a mask: take 2-3 papaya leaves are already old. Then drying and mash until smooth. Add about half a tablespoon of water, new can be utilized to advance the full face.
2. Benefits digestion Streamlining
The leaves of the papaya plant contain a chemical compound karpain. Substances that can kill microorganisms that often interfere with digestion.
3. Increase appetite
This benefit is especially for kids that are difficult to eat. Take a fresh papaya leaves, and the size of the palm of the hand. If you have found a little salt and half a cup of warm water. Mix and blend. Then strain the water, well water that can be used to increase appetite.
4 Dengue fever
Who would have thought that papaya is also able to cure dengue fever. Try to take five leaves. Add half liter of water and boil. Take water if it has been left behind 3/4 only. Stars had never prove it, so if things do not improve immediately to the doctor immediately (even if the patient feel better suggest him to the doctor). Consider it for first aid!
5. Benefits of Papaya leaf to Rreduce Menstrual pain:
For women who frequent pain during menstruation may try to use papaya to relieve the pain, how: take a leaf only, add the tamarind and salt. Then mixed with a glass of water and boiled. Drink when cool.
6. Anti cancer
It is still uncertain, but from several studies that the benefits of papaya leaves can also be developed as anti-cancer. Actually, not only the leaves but also stems papaya can be used. Since both have milky latex (a milky white sap).
7. Malaria and fever. Mashed papaya leaves up to 1/2 cups, add water 3/4 cup and salt, squeeze, strain. Drink 3 times a day, do five days in a row.
8. Smooth milk. Some papaya leaves are washed,. Warm placed around the breast.
9. Malnutrition. One papaya leaves boiled with 1.5 cups water to boiling, then filtered to take water. Then drenched in toddler 2 tablespoons per day.
10. Flu. Wash three young papaya leaves, mash, squeeze, with salt. Drink twice a day for children, and four times a day for adults.
Take a papaya leaves, one piece of reed grass roots, fennel pulosari taste. Furthermore, papaya leaves finely chopped, then boiled with other ingredients with 1.5 liters of filtered water until boiling and then drink one glass once a day and carried out regularly.

Papaya Seeds
They have a peppery taste and can be ground up and used as a substitute for black pepper.
Antibacterial Properties
Research has found that papaya seeds are effective against E. coli, Salmonella, and Staph infections. They are chewed in some countries to freshen breath.

Kidney Protection
Research has found that papaya seed extract may protect the kidneys from toxin-induced kidney failure.

Eliminates Intestinal Parasites
Like green papaya, the seeds contain high levels of proteolytic enzymes like papain which can help rid your body of parasites. In the same way that papain breaks down protein waste, it may also break down parasites and their eggs.

They contain isothiocyanates(The isothiocyanates are only in the papaya seeds)
Organo-sulfur compounds called isothiocyanates are found in papaya. In animal experiments, isothiocyanates protected against cancers of the breast, lung, colon pancreas, and prostate, as well as leukemia, and they have the potential to prevent cancer in humans.

Natural form of birth control
Papaya seeds have been found to completely remove the sperm from a male monkey’s ejaculation. Rats have also been tested with a compound from papaya seeds and found to have “significantly reduced" sperm counts. At higher levels of ingestion, the rats became completely infertile.
Rabbits have also been studied with extracts from papaya seeds. After three months of daily use, the rabbits were found almost completely infertile. The extract showed no effect on their libido or organs - and the contraceptive effects were completely reversible after 45 days of non-use.

Papaya Seeds as a Treatment for Liver Cirrhosis
Papaya seeds are often reported as an effective treatment for liver cirrhosis. One method is to grind up around five dried seeds in a pepper grinder, or crush up fresh ones in a mortar and pestle, and mix them with a tablespoon of fresh lime juice. Drink this down twice a day for a month. Many cirrhosis sufferers have had dramatic improvements with this powerful natural treatment.
Even for people without such obvious liver damage, a small amount of papaya seeds taken regularly is said to help with liver detoxification. And anything that can improve the vital functions of the liver will be likely to improve our health in general.

Precautions and Warnings
As a precaution, pregnant women should not use papaya seeds or the enzyme rich green papaya. There is also some animal research suggesting they may temporarily reduce a man’s fertility. It is best to take regular breaks rather than using it continuously for several months.

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